Friday, 31 August 2007


We had a new wedding ring and William blessed last night. My original ring is set with stones and only plain rings are allowed to be worn on the BMT unit so we got another! It was a very moving moment, Revd Ann came to our house and blessed the ring and then Robert and I read a prayer together (well almost in unison whilst juggling William!) She then said a special prayer for William.

More piccies

The Old Sea Dog in all his first prize winning glory

Digging for Victory!


Tuesday, 28 August 2007

Norwood and Immunoglobulins

William's immunoglobulins went fine today and his new medicine doesn't seem to be having any ill effects. We went on a Tiny Tots trip to Norwood farm park which was nice. Met a lovely jersey cow and the sheep were very friendly.

Monday, 27 August 2007

More Bank Holidays please!

Had a lovely weekend at the Shaldon Regatta with Grandma, Grandpa and Uncle Nick. Reclaimed our title, winning first prize for the second year running in the sandcastle competition. Our entry entitled 'The Old Sea Dog' was also photographed by the local press (photo will follow, once I am reunited with my camera, left in Granma's car on Monday!) Our winnings were spent on ice cream, nothing better! Took the ferry to Teignmouth and saw lots of sea and boats. Played in the sand on Sunday morning and Daddy and Uncle Nick built the biggest sandcastle ever seen. Back to Holt after delicious roast beef for 'The Walk Party' and a chance to meet our neighbours which was fun. On Monday we went to Granma's at her 'country residence' (house sitting) and had a sunny splash about in the pool. So much space to run about and great fun to be had visiting the animals. Plenty of sheep to William's delight.

Friday, 24 August 2007


William started his anti fungal meds today, he helped with the dosing syringe and everything. Touch wood no adverse affects so far but he does look a bit pale. Blood tests the week after next to check liver function which can be affected. Netty rang to check we had received the medicine and that it had gone OK. She says if we have any problems to just stop them and let her know, they can offer an alternative once we get to the hospital if necessary.
Great Grandad came for lunch today and the Rummikub result was 2 to the visitors and 3 to the home team!

Thursday, 23 August 2007

Welcome to this week's arrivals.

Just wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS to Vikkie, Mike and Luke on the newest addition to their family, Tamsin Victoria. CONGRATULATIONS also to Imo, Karl and their new arrival Molly.
Wishing you all every health and happiness.

Wednesday, 22 August 2007

More Tractors and Rabbits

Immunoglobulins went without a hitch yesterday, a bit of a bruise but otherwise fine. Went to Cholderton with Hannah, Ella and Granma which was lovely. A lazy day today with just a trip to Tesco and playing in the sandpit.

Monday, 20 August 2007

I'm a zider drinker!

Spent a fun but rainy day with Granma and Hannah on Saturday. We went to the Mid Somerset Show on Sunday and saw show jumping, shire horses, some mud, tractors and The Wurzels! Spoke to Netty at GOS today who is sending out some anti fungal medicine (Itraconazole) to start later this week. This will help make sure his system is good and strong before we start. Still scheduled for the 17th, so four weeks today and we will be in GOS. Let's have some fun starting with a rescheduled trip to Cholderton Rare Breeds Farm tomorrow!

Wednesday, 15 August 2007

Jogging Along

Sorry that we have been a bit quiet for a while. Things have been going pretty well though. We had a lovely visit from Great Grandad, Granma, Auntie Nicky, Hannah and Ella last week. William has been sick a few times which resulted in rather a lot of washing at Granmas at the weekend but otherwise he seems fine. He had his first ride of the year in a Combine Harvester on Saturday with Pappa which was fun for Mummy but W was a bit tired and preferred watching from a safe distance. We went to Tractor Teds family fun day on Sunday and the pony ride was a bit of a non starter but the trailer ride (with Les for TT fans!) was much enjoyed. Immunoglobulins went well again this week. Grandma and Grandpa visited today and enjoyed playing with the duplo and crayoning, William quite liked it too!! Rob and I are both feeling much brighter after feeling a bit under the weather.
Congratulations and our love go to Kay, AJ and Eleanor on the birth of Alastair.

Tuesday, 7 August 2007


Immunoglobulin tuesday has come around again. Nothing eventful to report in that respect which is the way that we like it. Another lovely day with Grandma and Grandpa and a fabulous personalised tractor towel and fun water wheel to play with...

Monday, 6 August 2007

Chesty coughs and squeaky voices

William has developed a bit of a chesty cough overnight and now has some antibiotics to knock it on the head. He already seems much better so I think I might have slightly overreacted but at the moment would rather be safe than sorry. Rob is the one with the squeaky voice who sounds very comical and is finally starting to get over his nasty cough. Otherwise, we had a lovely visit from Kay and Eleanor and almost due baby boy bump which brightened our day.

Sunday, 5 August 2007

Sunday, Happy, Sunday

"and this is my blue, underwater tractor, Evie"

Had such a lovely day spent with Jo, Steve, Evie, Rob and William. Played in the park, lunched at a pub, bought most of the stock in the farm shop (thanks, Jo) splashed in the paddling pool and ate a lot of cheese and ice cream.

Saturday, 4 August 2007

Tractors and Combines

Awoke to the news that foot and mouth was back in the country, you never have to look far to find someone worse of than yourself. Our thoughts go out to the farmer in Surrey who will be losing his livestock later today. Let’s hope the government are a little quicker off the mark this time.
At last summer seems to be here and William, Cath, Gillie and Granma went off to see Pappa harvesting (on an arable farm). When they arrived at break time, the field contained not only two tractors but also three combine harvesters. More farm machinery than one little boy could dream of, he had a smile from ear to ear.
The afternoon hailed the arrival of one of Cath’s old university friends Jo, her husband Steve and their little girl Evie who is just three weeks younger than William. William and Evie have had a ball playing together and managed to almost empty the bath between them with their splashing.
We truly appreciate the support that everyone is giving us through this time. A particular thank you to those who have contacted us through David McNally’s page your stories and encouragement offer us great hope.

Wednesday, 1 August 2007

Pinch, punch first of the month

Playing with my farm
Enjoying the summer while it lasts....

William helping out at The Courts

A fun day with Grandma and Grandpa today and a ride in their new car to see some cows. We got a big booklet from GOS all about BMT and stuff which has made me feel sick scared to read but we also have Netty, our Clinical Nurse Specialist's e mail (if I can decipher her writing) now so we can send her our daft questions which I am sure she will enjoy reading over a coffee and chocolate hobnob. A doctor from Bath also rang today to let me know Williams blood results, which was good, even though I already knew them..I wonder whether that's what junior doctors do on their first day?