Monday, 12 November 2007

Monday +46

The beginning of week 9 and NOT going home this week (unless there’s drastic turnaround with the fluid intake output situation) so rather depressing situation battling this virus but on the up side am having my first ever (complementary) reflexology session on Wednesday and am quite excited although nervous about having tickly feet (not sure that’s really the up side at all but am desperately looking for silver linings!). The ward is closed to visitors for another 72 hours as another member of staff has bug. Saw rather scary suited Infection Control lady this morning with clipboard and tweeds so if the virus saw her I expect that it legged it. We had surprise chest xray this morning. Out of the blue the radiology girl and her portable machine arrived. I was quite frankly a bit annoyed that nobody had thought to mention it to me but anyway it’s good that they are ruling out any bacterial infections. Neutrophils are back up a bit, no one else concerned, must stop worrying unnecessarily! Consultant handled me with kid gloves this morning when discussing the not going home situation and the other doctors looked at their shoes a lot! I think they thought that I might have got a bit emotional but really I had realised that we can’t look after William at home as things currently stand. The moving hospital thing is really off the cards at the moment too, no one wants us….well not with this virus. I had a very tasty slice of Jack’s 1st Birthday Cake made by the hospital green kitchen. We got the new Shaun the Sheep DVD today which made William laugh out loud. He ate Jelly Tots and maize crunchy crisps and slept quite a lot and it only felt like Grandma had just arrived when it was time for her to leave. I walked up to see the new St Pancras station, there’s a fair bit to do before it goes international in a couple of days time! The shops are mainly opening in December and next Spring but it is an amazing building/space, I do like a nice train station!

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